Overview of stock market


“With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, will it have an impact on your work in the future?”

AI software or hardware is developed by human. AI robot or software is not as smart as a person, because it was product by a team of engineers/scientists.

Robot can not think as human. It can only make decisions based on what it was taught. We can learn every day from many sources of information, data, and facts. We could adjust our acts, decisions, etc. on the fly.

They have inflated the capability of AI to get people jumped in or invested. It is like the hype in ".com" era. Media knew how to manipulate others as they did in forever rise in house prices, which led to 2008 financial crisis.

What do you think?

Btw: do you like to invest in casino tokens called crypto or bit coins? Warren Buffet said that many people would end up in tears. Believe it or not? BTC also got help or push up by influential figures and media. They have inflated or marketed those crypto as investment instrument or digital assets. Junk crooks.



What do think about USA problems? They are heading towards bankruptcy? Enormous debts without abilities to pay interests, forget about principal.

- cut spending and budget responsibly?

- raise taxes? Those billionaires get to advisor fleet so they will extend tax cuts, i.e. deeper in shits.

- cut interest rate to soften tough remedies.

You want to follow Elon Musk's to introduce crypto coins to US Treasury or US Fed instead of saving USD? Did you know Elon Musk has been running many businesses as a fraud?

If you can't manage USA business with USD, what made you think that you would be able to do with crypto currency or Doge coins? Printing coins indefinitely without anyone notice similar to those coins' owners and operators out there? Crooks were talking.



In the current economic conditions, the interest rates should be going down, i.e. bond price should go up. Housing market and stock market is in a bubble state.

•          House price is not affordable to local residents according to analysts

•          Stocks are traded at very high PE.

•          Economic conditions are under high wage which leads to higher product costs. Local products couldn’t compete with foreign products coming from countries with lower labor costs. The boosting minimum wages were originated by governments to catch up with higher living costs due to higher rents, higher house prices.

•          Higher local product prices were somehow originated by speculation due to enormous amount of money printed by governments. They printing money for residents to afford rising living costs. However, product prices were going up to neutralize that. Now we are facing permanent problem with high local product costs, i.e. no more local jobs.

·         Printing money is an easier solution to make people calm than trying to bring the cost down such as house price, rents, and product prices. Government officials could vote to raise their salaries at anytime to adjust with inflation, but general population got stuck.

Those bubbles could be burst at anytime as cautioned by many analysts and investment guru out there. 

Donald Trump wanted to raise tariff on importing products, which would make foreign product prices higher in USA, i.e. higher inflation. This however would create local jobs in USA, but higher inflation would trigger higher minimum wages that lead to higher local product prices, too. This would make US labor forces uncompetitive over the long run. Forever loop of deep troubles.



The current trend of the stock market is going up. However, legendary investor Warren Buffet, has sold lots of stocks in his portfolio and kept cash. This signals over-priced stocks or something unpleasant would come up in the near future.

The stock market could reverse its trend anytime and quickly as we witness in 2020 due to COVID-19 spread.

Hold some cash and select stocks that could weather the incoming financial storm.


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